måndag, februari 28, 2011

Design Week 2011

During the Design Week 2011 this month, there were a lot of activities going on for Nordic design in the Swedish capital city. The main event, Stockholm Furniture Fair, is said to be the world’s biggest meeting place for Nordic design. If you are interested, here's the slideshow of what I experienced at the furniture fair:

I was also at Design House Stockholm's special evening event at the company's Norrmalmstorg headquarter when I happened to stand by the side of Amanda Dameron, from San Francisco-based Dwell Magazine, who was at the time doing a small interview with a young talented Swedish designer Fredrik Färg. They talked about the ongoing exhibition at Biologiska Museum, with a theme aptly called "Design in the Swedish Nature", of which Fredrik was one of the creators and the curators. To check out more of this gorgeous exhibition, take a look at this presentation by Dwell (Link). Out of curiosity, I asked him, since his family name "Färg" really means "color" in Swedish, if Fredrik likes working with colors aside from his obvious professed love of form plays. He answered that, until his latest design product, which is in red, he basically was a black and white guy. Hmm, I guess that preference is perhaps reflective of certain core values of Nordic aesthetics: chiefly, to stay simple, respectful and essential.

Biologiska Museum at Djurgården, inspired by the medieval Norwegian stave churches:

onsdag, februari 02, 2011


今天終于看到小R的阿毛, 小R挺著大肚子在一起吃飯也就一年半載前, 一下著就多出一個新的生命, 而且生長速度之快真讓我大吃一驚。 小家夥看上去好象和我很有緣, 拉著我的手不放, 那表情我無從去琢磨^^ 生命真的是多麽神奇, 只是有一天他感受到喜悅的時刻, 離也明白不開心的滋味不遠矣。 古時蘇子說水與月, 逝者如斯, 而未嘗往也; 盈虛者如彼, 而卒莫消長也。 其實是以不變者觀之。 生之須臾, 人面變異而不自知。 不過假如可以回到過去, 那些抛擲的流光我想我會一樣放手。

歸心似箭的說, 在這個歲暮。